Sunday, September 25, 2011

How Full Is Your Bucket?

Mrs. Barker, the school counselor, came and read this book to our class on Friday.  The idea behind it is that each person has an invisible bucket.  When people are kind to them or they are kind to other people, it fills their bucket and makes them feel better.  When they are unkind to others or others are unkind to them, it empties their bucket.  The idea is that we should try to be bucket fillers, who make others feel better and in turn will make us feel better.
We did a fun activity where Mrs. Barker asked for someone who wasn't having a great day.  Colton said he was having kind of a bad day, so Mrs. Barker sat him down in a chair, put a raincoat on him, and then had him put a bucket on his head.  The kids took turns saying nice things about Colton, and for every nice thing, Mrs. Barker poured a little water in his bucket.  Soon, Colton's bucket was filled, and he was smiling as the kids showered him with compliments.  His bad day quickly became a much better day.   

After filling Colton's bucket, the students had a chance to fill each other's buckets.  The kids has a chance to go around and write a compliment about each other person in our class.  It was amazing to see how many nice things they had to say to one another!  We're going to try and keep the idea of bucket filling going throughout the year, to remind ourselves to fill each other's buckets.